Happy June my friends I hope you all are enjoying this delicious season wherever you are in the world! This is the time of year when the weather forecasts are always impeccable, no? And your astrological forecasts have not been disappointing lately either if I do say so myself. If you follow my Tumblr blog then you already are accessing my daily astrological forecast, and if not, please do join us! Lately you may have heard me talk about the powerful effects of trines with the dreamy and intuitive planet of Neptune. What does this mean? Lately the most significant has been a Mercury trine Neptune, and this can be a very powerful aspect for those that need a boost in their romantic affairs. How? Let’s find out. Click to continue »
Astrological Events
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Norah Guide Explains Mercury Trine Neptune…for Lovers
Monday, June 3rd, 2013Norah Guide Discusses the June 2013 Astrological Forecast
Friday, May 31st, 2013Hello folks, I hope you are enjoying a lovely May! As we move out of the month of May we look ahead to our June forecast. If you follow my Tumblr blog then you will already have access to my daily astrological forecast and know how I roll from the day to day end of things. Today we will take a sneak peek at what is ahead for the month of June. So let’s get to it! Click to continue »
Norah Guide Discusses Uranus and Pluto
Friday, May 24th, 2013If you follow my Tumblr blog then lately you may have heard me discuss the day to day effects of a transit period that is currently creating some intensity. This transit period is one that is going to last for some time, but lately the effects have been magnified simply by what is going on in the sky. So today I thought we would look at this particular aspect a little bit closer. What aspect is that? That would be the aspect where Uranus and Pluto get a little frisky with each other. Why is this such an intense aspect? Well, we have the planet of giftedness, genius, and unconventionality (Uranus) mixing with the planet of death and transformation (Pluto). What does that mean for you in English? Let’s get to it. Click to continue »
Norah Guide Discusses the Meaning of Saturn in Scorpio
Friday, May 17th, 2013Hello friends, I hope you all are enjoying your May. If you have been following my Tumblr blog then you have heard me say frequently lately that Saturn has been creating some problems in the skies when it comes to your daily astrological forecast. There is a very solid reason for this, this is no accident. This is because Saturn is currently in Scorpio, and this is a transit period for Saturn that will last until 2015. As such, this serious and sometimes brooding planet can create some intense change, especially when it is in Scorpio. So what does this mean for you? That’s exactly what we are going to talk about today. Click to continue »
Norah Guide Discusses the Importance of Rising Sign Compatibility
Friday, May 10th, 2013Hello friends, I hope that you enjoyed our discussion of the Rising Signs. Knowing what your rising sign is, or your ascendant sign, or your partners can be very helpful in understanding your own astrological profile, or your partner’s. But there is a little bit of a caution to this and this is what I am going to talk about today. Click to continue »
Norah Guide Discusses The Significance of the Ascendant Sign: Pisces Rising
Friday, May 3rd, 2013
Norah Guide Discusses The Significance of the Ascendant Sign: Sagittarius Rising
Wednesday, March 20th, 2013We near the last third of the zodiac houses, and this brings us to the Sagittarius Rising section of our Ascendant Sign discussion series. We have many other series going on right now to complement this one, particularly if you are using astrology in your primary love relationships. Make sure you are connected to my About Me page to make sure you don’t miss a single blog series. But here today we are going to look at the magic that makes up a Sagittarius Rising. Let’s get to it. Click to continue »
Norah Guide Discusses The Significance of the Ascendant Sign: Scorpio Rising
Wednesday, March 13th, 2013I hope you all have been enjoying the discussion on the Ascendant signs as much as I have been. Today we are at one of my favorites, Scorpio Rising. Oh my if you have a partner or a person in your life who is a Scorpio Rising, bless your soul. You do put up with a lot don’t you? Yes but you are nodding, they are so worth it. Indeed they are. Here we go with Scorpio today, one of the most intense signs of the zodiac. We love to love them, love to hate them, and then love to love them all over again. Why? Let’s find out. Click to continue »
Norah Guide Discusses The Significance of the Ascendant Sign: Libra Rising
Wednesday, March 6th, 2013I hope that you have been enjoying the Rising Sign series, my faithful friends. And if you weren’t already aware, the month of March is Reader’s Appreciation Month. You can read all about it over on my About Me page. Simply put if you’ve been putting off a burning question for me, now is the time to let me know. Catch up there and I can help you out. If you have a specific question about your own Rising sign, I want to know about that to. It’s your month my friends, so don’t be shy! Let’s get to today’s Rising Sign, shall we? Today we honor all of those that are Libra Rising. Click to continue »
Norah Guide Discusses The Significance of the Ascendant Sign: Leo Rising
Thursday, February 21st, 2013I hope you are enjoying our discussion of the Ascendant Signs. It is such a fun study, as it can tell you a lot about why you, and your partner, shine in the way that you do. Remember that your Ascendant is the position of the sign that your Sun was in on the day that you were born, and this is why you are asked for your birth time when you enter any information into a reading site or birth chart calculator. Because the Sun is rising in a different position at every moment of the day in every part of the world, everyone’s Rising sign will be different than their Sun sign. Today we are at perhaps the shiniest Rising Sign of them all, lovable Leo. Click to continue »