Astrology transits: Jupiter through houses 7-12

Written by selenaw on May 25th, 2012

Jupiter brings expansion–but of what?

Jupiter’s transit through any house of your natal chart can bring both blessings and potential problems.  Astrology refers to Jupiter as the planet of expansion, but a lot depends on what sort of expansion.  On the one hand, you may be blessed with more opportunities, on the other hand, you may be overly confident and fail to analyze the details of a situation or behave arrogantly.  Depending on whether or not it goes retrograde, Jupiter takes approximately one year to move through each sector of your chart, taking roughly 12 years to circle back to its natal position.  This means you will have Jupiter returns about a dozen years apart, each time offering you the opportunity to exercise wisdom or fall into a trap of hubris.Jupiter transits through houses

The previous entry in this blog looked at Jupiter’s movement through houses 1-6, this time we look at the transits of Jupiter through the last 6 houses of the chart.  As with the previous article, not all of the possible effects of a house transit will occur for every individual, much depends on the existing circumstances of your life.

Jupiter’s transits through houses 7-12

7th house: You may find yourself more popular and more often in the public eye.  You meet more people, some of whom may teach you or help you in some other way.  This may be the time you make an existing relationship official, whether entering into a business partnership with a colleague or getting engaged or married.  If you are single, you may have more opportunities for romance.  If you are married, your spouse may get a promotion or go back to school.  You have more contact with people from other cultures/countries.

8th house: Your applications for credit are likely to be successful when Jupiter moves through this house of “other people’s money”—but be careful not to overextend yourself.  You may also receive an inheritance or financial help of some sort during this transit.  Since this is also the house of sex and the occult and the unconscious, your interest in either or both of those subjects may increase or you could find yourself paying more attention to the hidden psychological motivations of yourself and others.

9th house: This house relates to higher education; history and countries and cultures other than your own.  You may decide to get another degree or become a teacher yourself.  This may be when you take that dream vacation to an exotic locale.  Or you may study a foreign language or make a new friend from a different culture.  You could find yourself reading or watching a lot of books and films about other eras.  You feel more expansive and open, willing to explore new subjects and trust people.

10th house:  The boundary of this house is the MC, and Jupiter hitting this point can be very significant. Opportunities for professional advancement and public recognition are likely to come your way and you may make influential contacts in high places.  (However, if you aren’t willing to do the work to earn what you’ve been given, or if you fail to behave with integrity, there could be repercussions down the line.)

11th house:  This is a good time to join clubs, book groups, church organizations, etc.  Your circle of friends increases, possibly becoming more diverse as you find yourself becoming more openminded.  You feel a stronger interest in new technology and may be tempted to splurge on the latest gadgets. Your mind is more occupied with thoughts of the future.

12 house: You are likely to become more involved in charitable organizations, whether through volunteer work or making donations.  You could find yourself thinking about spiritual matters and the end of life.  You may immerse yourself in a clandestine romance or other secret activity.  Your psychic powers may be heightened at this time.




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